Friday, June 10, 2011

Day Six: Sunday, June 5 - Back to Sigonella Naval Air Station, Sicily

We returned to Sigonella Naval Air Station today, and rested up.

We checked out of the Garden Hotel, and paid 30 Euros for a shuttle ride to the Navy base.  We got a room at the Navy Lodge ($77).  We grabbed our swim suits and walked over to the base pool for a swim.  It was a nice, big, new pool with two waterslides.  Photo below:
Base pool at Sigonella Naval Air Station, Sicily

We just sunned and relaxed for a couple hours, then went to the base PX/store for a little shopping.  We went over to a food court, but an Italian worker there said it was closing and recommended another place to eat, just off the base.  I thought she said it was called "Messina."  (Pronounced like Massena, NY.)  There is a city by that name in Italy.  But it sounded like she was saying "Dessina." A female American sailor sitting nearby translated for me:  the Italian worker was actually saying "Days Inn-a."  The restaurant was called "Days Inn," and she was adding an "a" on to the end of the word.  We walked to the restaurant, and enjoyed some nice Italian pasta.
Bob checked flights at the base terminal, and found two military planes scheduled to go to Naples tomorrow.  Next post will described our trip and our stay there.

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